CONCEPT: Depiction of real-time data by using a mesh screen element that covers everything.  The element is used throughout all assets in different forms dependent on the business unit and consistent in brand for the company.

PROJECT: Mobile transportation application in partnership with the city of Auckland, New Zealand to manage all their traveling needs.  

Partnered with front-end engineers, product managers, and executives to promote the Satori platform to smart city, IoT and enterprise developers. 

Branding guidelines for each business unit - Game Studio, Cognant and Satori.

THE PROJECT: Live Open Data Challenge—A prize pool of $1 Million for the best use of Live Data using the Satori Platform. Building awareness with developers in using our open source platform in partnership with AngelHack.

Designed and art directed blog posts, podcasts, personal branding, social media and thought leadership articles. 

Worked with business intelligence consultant on designing and implementing marketing dashboards which analyzed campaign effectiveness including conversions and paid media performance.

PROJECT: LIT in partnership with the city of Auckland, New Zealand to manage all their traveling needs.  


Satori Live Data Platform

LIT by Satori

MZ Careers